Review: Pinole Chips with protein and fiber
How to Make Vegan Sour Cream

Review: Beyond Steak Tips


Recently, my husband walked into the house and  handed me a large bag of Beyond Steak tips. He had been at BJ's and saw them and was intrigued. He knew I would care about the ingredients, so he took a quick look and didn't see any of the things I commonly try to avoid, so he bought them. He said he'd like us to try vegan steak tacos with it for dinner one night. I was in!

I heated up the Beyond steak tips, and put them on small warmed tortillas that had vegan cheese, lettuce, tomato, and salsa. I ate two of them, while my husband had three. I served them up with some yellow rice.

They were so good! The four of us (my husband and our two teenagers) all really liked the Beyond steak tips a lot. I was surprised! They have a great texture and taste, and I thought they made for some great steak tacos.

We had them again tonight, because I liked them so much and wanted them again already. They are so good! 

I really like that the ingredients are not bad either. Far too often a food will be vegan, yet the ingredients are bad. I'm glad that those foods don't hurt animals, but they shouldn't have ingredients in them that will hurt you either. I like vegan food that has clean ingredients.

Two thumbs up for the Beyond Steak tips! They are really good and you could use them for a variety of things. Try them in vegan steak tacos. Delicious!



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Kathryn Louise

Thank you for the review. Can't wait to try them.


Hi Kathryn! Sure, I hope you like them. Let me know what you think. ;)

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