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Vegan Gut L-Glutamine


Looking for a way to help improve your digestion, heal your gut, and feel great? Give L-Glutamine a try! 

This Gut L-Glutamine is vegan, too! There are no extra filler ingredients that shouldn't be in there. You have to be careful when you take any kind of supplements, because often times you will find that there are unnecessary ingredients that have been added. Sometimes those added ingredients are even harmful to the gut, despite the fact that you are trying to heal it. This one is different. It doesn't contain any extra ingredients, which is great.

L-Glutamine helps to improve gut mucosal barrier, helps with gut inflammation, and more. It's often used to help with leaky gut, improve digestion, get rid of bloating, and support the immune system. 

If you have digestion issues or know someone who does, consider whether or not taking a supplement of L-Glutamine may be able to help you out. I have had several IV's of glutamine, and now I'm going to give this supplement a try!


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