Vegan Better Than Bullion Review
Why vegans and vegetarians need a B12 supplement

Cauliflower helps fight cancer, eat up!


Until about 8 years ago, I hated cauliflower. Growing up and during my younger adult years, I never liked cauliflower. Didn't like it raw, cooked, or prepared any way. In fact, I hated it. Then, I became friends with an Indian woman (who became a very close friend). I loved her cooking, and she got me liking cauliflower. Fast forward to today, and I love it! I mean, I love it raw or cooked, I just love cauliflower now.

Back several months ago, I read "The Plant Based Solution" by Dr. Joel Kahn (great book, by the way, and great doctor). I read the pages shown here regarding the health benefits of cauliflower. It's great for fighting cancer. Since then, I've made it a regular part of my life, and my family's life. I now snack on raw cauliflower. Weekly, I put some on my family's plate, too. I tell them I'm helping them to fight cancer, so eat up.

Read the info, and get the book so you can read all the other good info in it, and make cauliflower a part of your life each week. It's good for fighting cancer. Plus, it makes for a good snack, it's great roasted (cut it up and let it sit first before cooking), it makes for a great simple cauliflower soup, and it's great for making a vegan cauliflower alfredo pasta.



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