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Are you getting the nutrients you need on a vegan diet? Find out!

Test Your Vegan blood!

Vegan blood testing ensures you are meeting your nutritional needs!

Vegan diets are increasingly becoming popular as many people are now opting to remove meat, dairy, and other animal products from their diet. This doesn't mean, however, that as a vegan you are getting the nutrients you need in order to be healthy. For starters, if you are following you a vegan diet you must take a B-12 supplement, or you are risking becoming B-12 deficient. Many people eat a vegan junk food diet, which may leave them short on such things as iron, calcium, and zinc, among other nutrients. The good news is that you can easily and discretely have your blood checked for these things!

It's a great idea for vegans to have their blood checked at least once a year to make sure they are getting the nutrients they need. Getting a vegan blood test once per year will give you the information you need to know if you are on the right track with what you are eating, or if you need to make some changes. Plus, if your test results come back with everything looking great then you can use that to show people just how healthy you are from your vegan diet.

You don't need to go to the doctor's office in order to find out if you are meeting your nutritional requirements on a vegan diet.  You also don't need to have or use health insurance to get the vegan blood tests done. offers discrete and affordable blood tests. You choose the tests you want, pay for them, and you are the only one that gets the results. They are also the only lab that is offering vegan blood tests to determine if you are meeting your nutritional needs. They also have vegan blood tests that answer the question if you should be a vegan. 

Their Vegan Nutritional Maintenance Panel will check for the 11 most common deficiencies, including:

  • B-12
  • Calcium
  • Complete Blood Count (CBC)
  • D-25 Hydroxy (Vitamin D-3)
  • Ferritin
  • Folic Acid
  • Homocysteine
  • Iron
  • Zinc

HealthLabs makes it simple to get this vegan blood test done. Simply order and pay for it online, go to one of the 4,500 labs that they have partnered with (there's likely one within a few miles of your home), have the blood drawn, and within 2-3 days your results will be posted online. Their site is secure and all your testing information is kept confidential. Only you will see the results when you log into your account. It's that easy! Plus, you can save 25% on your blood tests when you use the promo  code: VEGBLOGGER25

Whether you have been a vegan for a while or you are new to the lifestyle, it's a good idea to get a blood test done to see where you are at. You may be pleasantly surprised at the results, or you may find that you need to make a few nutritional adjustments. Either way, you will have the information you need to help keep your body healthy on a vegan diet. Everyone should have these blood tests done periodically, not just vegans, but I suggest this to vegans because I know they tend to care more about their diets and nutritional needs being met than non-vegans do. These tests will help keep you on track and keep you healthier, giving you the peace of mind you need! promo code: VEGBLOGGER25 (use the code to save 25%)


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