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September is Sexual Health Awareness Month


September is Sexual Health Awareness Month!

Sexually transmitted diseases are not a topic that is limited to vegetarians and vegans, of course. However, vegetarians and vegans are a group that is often more open to discussing matters that others may find a bit uncomfortable. It's important that we work together to start removing the stigma of talking about STD's so that people get the information that they need. Teens need to know that sexually transmitted diseases can easily be transmitted to others through sexual contact. Women need to know that some can be transmitted to their baby during childbirth. Everyone needs to know how to go about protecting themselves, as well as how to find out if they have any sexually transmitted diseases.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,  there are some important facts to keep in mind regarding STD's in the United States:

  • There are 1.59 million cases of chlamydia per year.
  • There are over 468,000 cases of gonorrhea per year.
  • There are almosts 28,000 cases of syphilis per year.
  • Cases of STD's have been increasing, with some of them seeing an 18% increase in a year.
  • Everyone having sex is at risk for STD's, but those who are between 15-24, gay or bisexual, and those pregnant are at a higher risk.
  • Left untreated, STD's increase risks of pain, infertility, and other health issues.

Being tested for sexually transmitted diseases today is easier than ever before. People do not even have to go to a doctor to have the testing done. They can go online to, order the test online (or by phone) that they want to have done, go get the taste taken, and get the results. The service makes it easy to keep the testing and results private, so that they are shared with only those you want to share them with. Once you pay for the test online you will print a lab order for it and take it to a lab near you. They work with over 4,500 labs around the nation, making it convenient to find one in your area. Simply stop into the lab and have the test and within a day or two you results will be available to you online.

It's important that if you have teens or if you are sexually active that you know about STD's. With September being Sexual Health Awareness Month it's a great time to get the discussion going with your teens, family members, and friends. It's also an good idea to take the time this month to be tested if you suspect there are any STD's that may need to be addressed. Check out to get more information on testing that is both discrete and affordable.


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