Central Florida VegFest 2017 in Orlando
Beyond Beef vegan veggie burger at BurgerFi - review

"Food Choices" vegan documentary review


Netflix has a documentary called "Food Choices," and I just finished watching it. The movie is really good! It has a vegan message and has many good people speaking in it. From Dr. Campbell and Dr. Gregor to Laura Theodore (the Jazzy Vegetarian that I'm a big fan of) and Dr. Melanie Joy, along with some top athletes. The movie looks at the benefits of a vegan diet / plant based diet in regard to human health, the environment, and touches some on the compassion reasons for not eating animals.

Two thumbs up for this movie! If you have Netflix be sure to check it out. If you don't want to watch it on Netflix, you can also order it online here: Food Choices

Here's the movie trailer for the Food Choices vegan documentary:



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