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The "Jazzy Vegetarian Classics" Vegan Cookbook Review


I'm not someone who watches much television at all. In fact, I barely know how to use my television since it's connected to so many devices and there are three remote controls involved. I usually have my kids put on what I want to watch, when I finally find something I want to watch.

There is one show that I love to watch and I set my television to record every episode. That show is "The Jazzy Vegetarian." I have been watching this show for some time now and love it! Laura Theodore is great, she makes her recipes look simple, yet delicious, and the show is just fun and upbeat. I've tried some of her recipes that I've found on her website before, and loved them (especially the kebobs!). But recently I treated myself to her "Jazzy Vegetarian Classics" cookbook. 

Usually when I go through a cookbook I just get I find a handful of recipes I can't wait to try. With this cookbook I wanted to try everything! Every page I flipped to I was saying yes and planning in my head when I would make that recipe. Everything sounds good to me in this cookbook! And her recipes are easy to follow, which I love.

Last night I went to a vegan potluck and along with taking a big delicious fruit salad, I made the summer cucumber salad recipe from the "Jazzy Vegetarian Classics" cookbook. The recipe is super easy to make and it tastes great. The perfect balance of sour and sweet coat the cucumber slices. I had some cherry tomatoes on the counter and added some of them into the salad. Yum! My kids really liked it, too!

I'm so looking forward to trying many of the recipes in this book. I'm a Jazzy Vegetarian fan... the television show, the website, and the cookbooks!



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