"Fresh" the Movie Review
I'm always looking for new movies to watch that shed light on our food system, among other important issues. While in the library this week I came across "Fresh" the movie. I was immediately intrigued, because I like movies like this.
My husband and I both watched this movie and enjoyed it. This movie shows what our current food production system is like, which is something many people have no idea about. I am aware of it, just because I've educated myself on the topic. But it's always good to learn more. They show current factor farms, and also compare them with some traditional type of farms, where animals are truly living the free range life.
But it's not just the agriculture that this movie sheds light on, it is more than that. They also debunk the myth of "cheap food," shed light on the antibiotics and pesticides used in growing food, and more.
It's a very good movie and something that everyone who eats should watch. This movie does not have a vegetarian message, but it has an overall "care about where your food comes from" message. Hopefully this information and message will get some people thinking about food production, the impact that it has, and how the choices we make impact the environment. Everything is connected. Two thumbs up for this movie!
You can learn more about "Fresh"here.