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Tasty Bite - Punjab Eggplant Review

Post written by VegBlogger. Follow me on Twitter.

I have professed my love of Indian food before on this blog. I've evenTastybite
confessed that with an Indian vegan cookbook in my hand I am not good at preparing Indian dishes, unfortunately (but I'm still working on it!).

While shopping at World Market recently, I saw they had a whole new line of Indian convenience foods. I was interested! While I don't usually buy many ready-made meals like this, as I prefer cooking from scratch, I wanted to give this a try, since I am not succeeding at my vegan Indian cooking from scratch.

The line of products is by a company called Tasty Bite. They have many different dishes, which are all ready to eat after popping them in the microwave for just a couple of minutes. They are vegetarian, vegan and contain no MSG. What's not to love?

So we bought the Punjab Eggplant and decided to give it a shot. This week I made it, serving it over basmati rice. It was really good! I liked it a lot, as did my husband (the kids wouldn't eat it, but I wasn't suprised, because they turn their nose up to anything even slightly spicy at this young age).

If you are looking for a quick Indian meal or even for traveling, these quick heat and eat options are perfect and tasty, indeed! They provide an affordable, easy and tasty way to dine on vegan Indian food.


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Vegetarian Yogini

mmmm...sounds yummy! I personally think that there are no other cuisines out there to top the Indian in terms of vegetarian variety!

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