Vegan Mexican Lasagne (or Vegan Tortilla Casserole)
Animals Are Born, Raised and Slaughtered, Not Meat

Books for Vegetarian and Vegan Children

Post written by VegBlogger. Follow me on Twitter.

If you are raising vegetarian or vegan children you know how important their booksChildrensbooks can be. There is nothing worse than reading through a Thanksgiving book, for example, and finding dead animals on the table once you get to the end.

Now you don't have to wonder any longer about if the book will be appropriate for your child. VegBooks provides reviews of kids books and movies and is geared for the vegetarian audience.

I have written several reviews of books for the site that you can check out, including:

Four Famished Foxes and Fosdyke
Pooh: Just Be Nice … to your little friends
A Turkey for Thanksgiving
The Deer in the Wood
I’m a Manatee
Vegetable Friends
Run, Turkey, Run
Kids Can Cook 
Diary of a Worm

If you know of books that parents would want to know about for veg kids, consider writing up a review to submit to VegBooks. This site is a helpful resource for everyone that knows a vegetarian kid!


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